Additional information on international shipments

  • Updated

Please note that all international shipments may be subject to import charges (duties, customs tariffs and goods & services taxes), which are set by the destination country and is entirely payable by the recipient. Hegen does not collect your duties and taxes during checkout and cannot predict what your particular charges may be. In the event you incur these additional charges, you must fulfill the charges in order for your package to clear customs.

Please note that some countries may have thresholds which, when exceeded, would disqualify the order as a cross-border online order. For example, China does not allow import of online orders above RMB1,000 and would qualify these as commercial shipments that require special clearance documents. In such instances, Hegen will not be able to assist with the importation clearance.

For more information regarding your country's customs policies, please contact your local customs office before you proceed with your order. Hegen shall not be held responsible for and will not issue refunds for goods held by customs.

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