We are glad you asked! Hegen PCTO™ Double Electric Breast Pump is a closed-circuit pump with 12 expression levels and 3 expression rhythms with a total of 36 personalised expression levels and suction pressure of 300 mmHg ± 20%.
The 36 variations expression allows for flexibility to adapt to the speed and rhythm of baby’s suckling as every child is unique and may have different suckling speeds as he/she grows. Specifications and efficiency are also benchmarked to hospital grade pumps!
At stimulation mode, it will be at least 160 cycles per minute. Whilst at expression mode, it ranges from 25 cycles (i.e. Suction Level 12) to 90 cycles (i.e. Suction Level 1) per minute, depending on which suction level you are using. The higher the suction level, the lesser the cycles per minute.